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Preventing inadvertent errors

Mistake proofing has been widely adopted in all aspects of our lives. It is a very natural notion.

  • The concept of mistake proofing is to reduce, or ideally eradicate errors from a process.

Solutions such as these tend to share the following characteristics. They…

  • are simple. Solutions don’t have to be complicated to work well.
  • improve quality and flow by reducing errors and only allowing “the correct way”.
  • prevent harm and reduce risk to people, data, equipment or the environment
  • provide immediate feedback. The user knows straight away when something is wrong.
  • are located at the source of the potential error within the process.
  • reduce effort by removing more complex control measures and the need for remedial action to correct defects.

Example images

[Top row L-R] - "Square pegs in round holes" are not always possible with the UK Standard three pin plug, it only fits one way and prevents electric shocks. Washing machine doors lock automatically to prevent accidental opening mid-cycle. Barcodes help to track luggage and get it to the right destination.

[Bottom row L-R] - Colour is used extensively as a solution; blood sample bottles and hospital gas both us colour to help reduce errors.

Other examples can be found on the Lean website.


Error Prevention Tips

  1. Holistic thinking; different aspects need to work together to facilitate the undisrupted flow of the process.
  2. System design; we can employ drop down lists, tick boxes for choices, validation and mandatory fields rather than allowing free form text entry.
  3. We can use spellcheck on all of our work.
  4. We may consider the removal of “pull” handles on “push” doors.
  5. We can create automated tasks so crucial activity is not forgotten.
  6. The use of colour and shape can enable easy identification of different process elements and promote “the error free way”.