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Initiative Completion Review

As the project or change activity comes to a close, there is an opportunity to take stock of what has been implemented and if it will be sustainable. This stage of reflection and handover is supported by the initiative completion review.

As part of the review, you can consider the four main elements of scope, time, cost and quality. Questions might include:

  • Did the scope change during the lifecycle?
  • Was the initiative delivered on time?
  • Was it delivered on budget?
  • Were there any key issues over quality?
Time, Quality, Cost Triangle

Source: Flaticon - srip, Freepik, Kiranshastry.


Download the Initiative Completion Review Workshop Pack


Download the Initiative Completion Report


Benefits Review

Another key area to review would be benefits realisation. The benefits underpin the viability of the project and the value it will add. Not all benefits will necessarily be realised as part of the project, with longer term benefit realisation continuing after the project has closed.

  • Did we deliver what we set out to?
  • Can we confirm the success?
  • Confirm if any benefits will be realised post initiative and who will own these?
  • Any unexpected benefits?
  • Any dis-benefits?


Lessons Learned

Lessons learned are a way of capturing anything that either went well or would be approached differently with hindsight. Lessons can be recorded throughout the lifecycle with a formal review completed in the final stage. They help to support continuous improvement and allows us to learn from past experience. Lessons can be captured from the project team and stakeholders through informal feedback, surveys, workshops or formal assurance.


Celebrate Success! 


Hints & Tips

  • Remember that it is important to close an initiative down and not to let it continue running indefinitely.
  • A post initiative review is a useful way to capture a summary of what was delivered.
  • Hold a lessons learned workshop and make it available for other initiatives to learn from. Get in touch for more information on the central lessons learned log.